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All about lightning

Scarica (solo in italiano):
Studio sull'LPLWS NASA

The phenomenon of lightning is actively investigated since 1752, when the American statesman and scientist B.Franklin one of the first established the electrical nature of lightning. As a whole the picture of formation of lightning is as follows. The terrestrial atmosphere is very good dielectric located between two conductors - a surface of the ground from below and the top layers of an atmosphere, including an ionosphere, from above. These layers are passive components of a global electric circuit. Between negatively charged surface of the ground and positively charged top atmosphere the constant potential difference of about 300.000 V is supported. According to the idea for the first time stated by Wilson in 20th years this ionosphere potential arises from thunder-storms which create global electric "battery". Lightning is a visible electric charge coming from a cloud, going to either another cloud or the earth.  Usually, thunder like the sound you are hearing accompanies lightning, especially during a thunderstorm.

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Observing equipments


Automated airport weather stations use a variety of sophisticated equipment to observe the weather.

Wind speed and direction

ASOS Ice Free Wind Sensor

A majority of older automated airport weather stations are equipped with a mechanical wind vane and cup system to measure wind speed and direction. This system is simple in design: the wind spins three horizontally turned cups around the base of the wind vane, providing an estimation of the wind's speed, while the vane on top turns so that the face of the vane offers the least resistance to the wind, causing it to point in the direction the wind is coming from and thus providing the wind direction.

The new generation of sensors use sound waves to measure wind speed and direction. The measurement is based on the time it takes for an ultrasonic pulse to travel from one transducer to another, which varies depending on - among other factors - the wind speed. The transit time is measured in both directions for several (usually two or three) pairs of the transducer heads. Based on those results, the sensor computes wind speed and direction. Compared to mechanical sensors, the ultrasonic sensors offer several advantages such as no moving parts, advanced self-diagnostic capabilities and reduced maintenance requirements.
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Stazione meteo Ecowitt

Ecowitt 1Un'altra stazione meteorologica è stata installata presso la sede del KWOS: Ecowitt. Si tratta di una stazione di basso prezzo che però ha delle buone qualità ed ottimi sensori, come un all-in-one anemometro ad ultrasuoni, temperatura/umidità e radiazione solare (WS80).

A questo si possono aggiungere sensori aggiuntivi di temperatura ed umidità (WH31), un sensore di PM2.5 (WH41) ed infine, un pluviometro (WH40). 
Il tutto viene gestito da un minuscolo gateway hardware (GW1000) che raccoglie le informazioni e le invia sia sul sito Ecowitt, che su altri portali a livello internazionale come Wunderground.
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Scandriglia weather

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